Background Checks on Employers - Continued

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Study the Market

You also must familiarize yourself with the company's market. If they sell a product, who are their target customers? If they provide a service, to whom is it rendered? What is the nature of the products or services? These are the kinds of things you should be conversant in when you sit down for an interview. In addition, it is useful to know who are the company's competitors. Is it a business down the street, a conglomerate, a new or established company?

Company Structure

Find out what the structure and scope of the company is. Besides identifying whether the company is small, medium, large, or enormous, you need to know its configuration. Is it a division of a larger company or owned by a parent company? Does it own other companies? What are its strategic alliances? Is it a local, national, or international company? Also discover whether the company has divisions and what they are. It is also useful to know at what stage of growth the company is. Have they recently grown or laid off employees? At what rate? Using your internet, media, and personal sources, uncover as much as you can about the internal workings of the company.

Know the Customer

Moreover, it is useful to know how the company makes its money. Who are its clients or customers and how many of them are there? Is it a family-owned business or a start-up company funded by angels? Getting your hands on a share-holders report could be very illuminating as you determine what the company's earnings or losses are. Are their profits increasing or are they mired in debt? Is there another company funding them for a period of time at a loss? Compiling this information will enable you to assess the financial stability of the company.


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